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4 items found for ""

  • Discover the Power of Hypnotherapy

    Free Online Webinar! Registration Required: Learn how holistic integrated hypnotherapy and energy healing can help clear subconscious and unconscious blocks and beliefs that may be blocking your full soul's potential to live a happy and fulfilling life. Dr Yuni will be available to answer your questions about alchemizing your life with hypnotherapy. For more infor click here:

  • Yunique Counseling Moving to New Location July 1st

    Yunique Counseling with Dr Yuni is Excited to Announce we will be moving to a brand new location July 1st @ 9805 New Double R Blvd Ste 300, Reno NV 89521!

  • Dr. Yuni's Exclusive Podcast Interview Revealed

    I am excited to share my Podcast interview with Professional Podcast Network!

  • How Alchemical Hypnotherapy Helps Healing & Wellness

    What is Alchemical Hypnotherapy Healing? How Alchemical Hypnotherapy works to heal the Subconscious & Unconscious Mind Benefits of Alchemy Hypnotherapy in Healing & Wellness Difference between Hypnotherapy, Mindfulness & Flow Mindfulness, hypnosis, and flow all involve states of deep attention, but each has a key differentiator. Source:,thoughts%2C%20sensations%2C%20or%20behaviors. Mindfulness: intentional, nonjudgmental awareness of the present; concentration exists to enable nonjudgmental monitoring of one’s surroundings in the present; associated with morally/ethically positive constructs like loving kindness; emphasis on the individual being agentic Hypnosis: response to suggestion, including perception of automatic responses; concentration exists to exclude the outside environment to yield hyperfocus upon a particular thought, experience, or behavior; morally/ethically neutral Flow: pursuing an autotelic, high-challenge goal; concentration exists to maintain awareness of the present and surroundings only insofar as they pertain to the goal, and also to facilitate the application of high skill to meet the challenge; morally/ethically neutral.

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